2013年10月1日 星期二


10/01 Diet awakening sentence: Reflection, to often describe themselves imprisoned person ... Whom you want to reflect on a lot of Oh! Opportunity in beautiful places rest of my life thinking thinking ... What do you want? Again: You are to be a lot of in-depth reflection Oh! Opportunity in beautiful places rest of my life thinking thinking ... What do you want?
10/01飲食覺醒文句: 反省,給常常形容自己被囚禁的人… 妳要反省的多多喔!趁機在美麗的地方思想思想…下半輩子妳要什麼? 再說一次:妳是要深入的反省的多多喔!趁機在美麗的地方思想思想…下半輩子妳要什麼?

