2013年10月1日 星期二

please good news to me only

10/02 Diet awakening sentence: In the future, I just listen to joy, just look at the beautiful, eat healthy and do gpod things with people, as you, or you, please only tell  to me like good news, do not tell bad news to me, and other negative emotions do not have to share for me too ; because "every man bitter to eat, each man by his sin," only to you or your affliction demands God and Buddha
10/02飲食覺醒文句: 今後,我只要聽喜樂的,只要看美麗的,吃健康的,做好事情,與人為善,至於妳或你,請報喜給我聽就好,不必報憂給我聽,其它負面的情緒也不必分享給我;因為「各人苦果自己吃,各人造罪自己受」只能將妳或是你的苦情訴求上帝以及神佛
Good Morning ♥ beloved people, There are glorious autumn clouds dawn, Walking in the woods refreshing aroma, Rejoice with joy comfortable aerobic
早安♥心愛的人們, 晨曦有秋高氣爽的彩雲光彩, 漫步在沁人心脾的樹林香氣, 喜樂隨喜悅自在的有氧體操
Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves ......... only drinkers to leave their name it!
Believe, hope, love

