2013年10月9日 星期三


中華晚安♥我親愛的朋友們,大家好,人人好, 中華民國也很好。 如果,中華民國有什麼不好,是我們不好,是因為我們沒有保護好她。 期許我們每一個人,從自己做好,明天國慶之後,我們的國家-中華民國一定會更好♥加油,明天再見面對的時候,大家每一個人都很好! Goodnight ♥ my dear friends, Hello everyone, everyone is good, the Republic of China is also very good. If the Republic of China, what is wrong, is bad for us because we did not protect her. We expect everyone to do from their own, after the National Day tomorrow, our country - the Republic of China will be better ♥ refueling, tomorrow goodbye face, when everyone everyone good!

