2015年9月14日 星期一


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Mother Nature Has A Sense Of Humour

 This tomato wanted to be a duck... 

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A carrot-shaped robot... 

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A turnip that wanted to be a pin-up... 

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A duck-shaped gourd... 

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A carrot-shaped hand... 

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A carrot and a turnip that think they are human... 

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A foot-shaped potato... 

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A strawberry in bear form... 

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A turnip that wanted to run a marathon... 

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A potato chicken... 

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A gourd-shaped duck... 

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Peppers that think they are zombies... 

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A demonic onion... 

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An eggplant that dreamed of being human... 

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A mouse-shaped potato... 


A potato that wanted to be a bear... 

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